

2016年8月16日 - 10分钟阅读


Five former Olympians, 加布加德纳, 克里斯Segesman, 雾May-Treanor, Staciana Stitts-Winfield 米歇尔·文图雷拉, 回想一下他们在世界上最大的体育场馆的旅程, 以及他们如何继续学习体育课程,成为CUI教练和体育管理硕士课程的学生.


随便问一个运动员, 在任何层面上, 无论是高中, 无论是大学还是职业球员,他们都会告诉你关于取得胜利的相同轶事:道路是由牺牲铺成的, 血, 汗水和眼泪足以填满一个奥运会游泳池. 为特殊群体的男女运动员顽强拼搏, 他们有足够的天赋和幸运,能够战胜困难,获得梦寐以求的奥运选手头衔, the road to the gold is that much more challenging – and equally rewarding.

获得121枚奖牌, and new American sports heroes crowned at the 2016 Rio Games—including “The Simones”, 体操运动员西蒙娜·拜尔斯和创造历史的游泳运动员西蒙娜·曼努埃尔, 以及23届金牌得主迈克尔·菲尔普斯——再一次成为不可阻挡的游泳明星, 全世界的目光见证了最优秀的选手的比赛.

As the next set of superstar competitors look ahead to the Tokyo 2020 Games, 崔大学教练与体育管理硕士团队认为,在奥运记忆的道路上漫步,与他们的明星阵容聊天,是一个合适的时机, five former Olympians who happen to also be alumni of the MCAA program.

Holding a collective six Olympic Gold medals among them across five sports, 加布·加德纳(排球), 克里斯·塞格斯曼(水球), 米斯蒂·梅-特雷纳(沙滩排球), Staciana stits - winfield(游泳), 米歇尔·文图雷拉 (Softball) shared memories about their sports beginnings, 奥运选拔赛与胜利, 以及他们一路走来学到的经验教训. 这些冠军还提供了奖牌之外的见解,说明MCAA项目如何帮助他们从比赛的另一边——作为教练——继续他们的运动生涯.



加布·加德纳(加布加德纳)成为奥运选手的梦想早在他能越过排球网之前就开始了. “I was 8 years old when the 1984 Olympics came to Los Angeles,” recalls Gardner. 我对这个理想抱有很高的敬意,你可以在整个国家的运动中成为最好的运动员之一,并可能代表你的国家参加一项人人都钦佩和尊重的世界性赛事.”

高中时是三项运动的运动员, 而加德纳擅长篮球和水球, 他说,在他眼里,排球是绝对的赢家. “从长远来看,排球似乎最有希望提供参加奥运会的机会,或者达到一个长期职业生涯的水平.”

Before making his first USA Men’s Volleyball Olympic team for the 2004 Athens Games, followed up by the 2008 Beijing Games—where he would win the team gold—Gardner played professionally overseas; 12 countries in 12 years overall. 而在国外的那段时间帮助他提高了技能, he admits that there were times when he experienced spikes of self-doubt.

加德纳指出:“很多从事正规博彩网站排名亚洲体育博彩平台的人在不知道自己是否能组成一支球队之前就放弃了。. “在参加奥运会之前,我的大学生涯并不顺利, 然后当我终于坚持了足够长的时间, 我就知道我能做到. I believed in myself enough that when I got there, I was like yeah, I deserve this. 这才是我的归宿.”



在她首次参加奥运会之前的几年里, second guessing was also an unlikely opponent for softball Olympian 米歇尔Venturella. 像加德纳, 文图雷拉是一名出色的高中运动员, 作为一垒手带领她的球队连续赢得冠军. 一到印第安纳大学布卢明顿分校,她就被甩了个圈. “教练问我是否愿意尝试接球, 虽然我这辈子从来没钓过鱼,文图雷拉说, 现任华盛顿大学垒球总教练. 路易.

一开始不确定,不舒服, 这次转会将改变文图雷拉在球队中的位置, 后来, 垒球的历史. 一年后, 她的球队赢得了十大联盟, 为学校和文图雷拉带来了恶名, in the form of the first-ever Olympic softball team tryouts for the 1996 Atlanta Games. 她说:“这对我的职业生涯来说是一个绝佳的时机.

Adds Venturella, “I ended up filling out an application and sent in $25 to go through the process.“我参加比赛的唯一原因是我想让自己和最好的对手较量,看看自己适合哪里. 结果, 文图雷拉非常适合, 赢得了96年奥运会的候补名额, 后来, 进入2000年悉尼奥运会前15名, 她在哪里赢得了金牌.

“当我还在奥运代表队的时候, 我更像是一个角色球员,这很棒,因为我仍然是伟大事业的一部分.” There’s nothing like putting on the uniform and having USA across your chest,文图雷拉说. “这太让人羞愧了.”



美国沙滩排球冠军米斯蒂·梅-特雷纳从十几岁起脚趾间就有沙子. May-Treanor grew up playing beach volleyball at the Santa Monica Pier outside of Los Angeles. 在1999年转向沙滩排球之前,她是纽波特港高中和加州州立大学长滩的室内排球冠军.

The change shifted her career and made way for May-Treanor to reign supreme in the sport, playing well enough to compete in the 2000 Olympics with then-teammate Holly McPeak, 完成第五.

但正是她与凯莉·沃尔什·詹宁斯(Kerrie Walsh Jennings)的合作,让梅-特雷纳成为了全球沙滩排球的代言人. 这对组合在2004年雅典奥运会上获得金牌, 在2008年北京奥运会上再现了这一壮举,并在2012年伦敦奥运会上出人意料地强势夺冠.

“We’ve grown with each other, learning the game together,” says May-Treanor. “这是一次特别的胜利,”她谈到两人在伦敦的胜利时说. 不是大团队的一员,你必须保持动力.”

It’s that same motivation that’s made May-Treanor the most successful volleyball player in history, 生涯112胜. 今天, May-Treanor, 作为长滩城市学院排球项目的负责人在训练其他运动员实现他们的运动梦想.Staciana Stitts-Winfield


For swimming gold medalist Staciana Stitts-Winfield, love of the blue water began early on. “我在走路之前就开始游泳了,”她说. “My favorite part of swimming is the moment when you go underwater and all goes quiet.”

她从六岁起就开始参加比赛, Stitts-Winfield says it took time for her aquatic skills to fully develop. “I was a very slow swimmer when I started out and slowly progressed,” she recalls. 在被诊断为秃发之后, 一种自身免疫性疾病,会在12岁时导致完全脱发, 而不是放慢速度, Staciana redirected her focus and anger in the pool and as swimmers say, 开始计时.”

In 1997, 她在16岁时就进入了奥运会选拔赛, making a 120-mile round trip trek to train with renowned Irvine Novas coach, 戴夫萨罗城, known for helping swimmer Amanda Beard qualify for the 1996 Atlanta Games. Stitts-Winfield trained for three years alongside Beard and others, before making the 2000 U.S. 悉尼奥运会游泳队. 她的神奇时刻终于到来了.

“我入选了奥运代表队 .001 of a second, the smallest margin to make it,” Stitts-Winfield says. “当我实现这个目标时,我非常震惊,因为这似乎是一个非常具有挑战性的目标. I was so relieved after working so hard and sacrificing so much, for so long.“在奥运会期间, 斯蒂茨-温菲尔德听从了教练的建议, ”他说, 在你完成一场比赛之后, 闭上眼睛,问问自己是否尽力了. 如果你做到了,不管比分如何,都要开心,”她说. “这让我明白了努力与结果的重要性.”


For 克里斯Segesman, becoming a fish in water didn’t begin until ninth grade. “我从五岁起就是一名竞技游泳运动员, 但是在学习了游戏之后, 我的注意力完全集中在水球上.”

And go forward 克里斯 did, all the way to the Olympic Games in Athens in 2004. “我真的相信,我通往奥运会的道路是铺平的,因为我有强大的教练团队支持, 家人和朋友. 这并不容易, 说Segesman, 为了准备奥运会,他们每天练习8小时,每年都要出差40多天. “By the time the Olympics rolled around, I truly earned a chance to be named one of the Top 13. 被选中真是太棒了.”

尽管塞格斯曼没有在奥运会上获得奖牌, he asserts that just being a member of the team was worth its weight in gold, 银牌和铜牌加在一起. “我记得第一场比赛,我跳进去准备听到第一声哨响,我甚至没有感觉到水. 我可能打了40场比赛也不会感到疲倦.”


如果抚养一个孩子需要一个村庄, 然后,需要一个国家来培养一名奥运选手:一个由教练和体育管理人员组成的支持团队,在运动员身后,他们把这作为他们一生的比赛计划,确保他们积极地推动自己达到他们不知道自己能达到的极限.

Aside from being a part of the exclusive group of competitors known as Olympians, 加布, 克里斯, 米丝蒂-梅, stacana和Michelle还有一个共同点:她们都是康考迪亚大学欧文分校(欧文康考迪亚大学)教练和体育管理硕士团队的成员. 他们不仅发现这个项目对他们进入运动生涯的第二阶段是有益的, 他们积极地将经验教训应用到他们的教练角色中, passing the knowledge along to their athletes and even potential employers.

“我一直在寻找一个与我的体育管理工作和教练工作相关的硕士学位,克里斯说。, 他认为这个项目影响了他现在担任圣安娜Mater Dei高中体育副主任的职位. “It’s been a huge part of my development in the professional setting. I’ve been so impressed with the faculty, the knowledge I’ve gained and the connections as well.”

这是全国同类项目中规模最大的, 康考迪亚大学欧文分校的教练和体育管理硕士学位课程仍然是唯一一个提供强大的实践培训,以道德和品格建设为基础的课程. 加布·加德纳很欣赏这一点.

“I’ve been around some of the best coaches in the world throughout my career. 我也接触过很多不太好的教练, 所以我知道什么时候信息传递是正确的,我对这个项目非常满意,盖比说。, who served as the head volleyball coach at American River College in Sacramento in 2015.

增加了加布, “The program allowed me to organize and prepare a cohesive master’s thesis, 这样我就可以把所有的东西以书面形式呈现给潜在的雇主或未来出现的机会.”

“这会让你问,‘作为一名教练,我想成为什么样的人?’”梅·特雷纳说. “因为在一天结束时,这不是输赢的问题. 你想留下持久的足迹. 我对这个项目非常满意,所以我强烈推荐它, 尤其是对我的很多球员同事,梅·特雷纳补充道, 她现在在长滩城市学院指导男女排球项目, as well as serving as head coach for its new women’s beach volleyball team.

对于Staciana, a former assistant women’s swimming and diving coach 在欧文的康考迪亚大学, 这个项目为她实现获得硕士学位的目标提供了一个途径,让她不必感到匆忙. “The online aspect of it gave me the most flexibility to juggle working full-time, 抚养我的女儿, 并自学攻读硕士学位,Staciana说.

Adds Staciana, “I loved the program because the professors engaged with the students. I also loved that I could choose electives that most interested me and apply it to my job daily.”

“I think the program is really well-suited to provide a message that I believe in, 我相信在更广泛的教练市场中,伟大的教练和管理者是什么样的,盖比说。. “Whoever designed the program and implemented the messaging points, was really good. They’ve spoken a lot of the same truths that I’ve seen to be true already in my career, 接触过伟大的教练.”

“I compared some other programs and nothing quite fit the curriculum like Concordia,米歇尔说。, who ran the softball program at the University of Illinois at Chicago for eight years, before taking on her current role as head softball coach at Washington University in St. 路易. “我喜欢体育课上的女生. 它展示了我是如何有能力成为今天的主教练并以此为生的历史,米歇尔说。. “The program is exactly what I want for being a coach and hopefully teacher-administrator.”

