




The 崔波诺演员 is a regular podcast that features lively academic extracurricular presentations and conversations happening throughout 欧文康考迪亚大学. The 崔波诺 club started as a volunteer group of faculty and students. The podcast is an expansion of that spirit of service, as it amplifies the work of various groups on campus, 从 生活学习社区,到… 荣誉项目,到… 横向研究所.

In addition to curating the best of our outside-of-class conversations, we will also let the world eavesdrop on the beloved 崔波诺 talks and conversations themselves, and will occasionally include special interviews on current issues. 因为崔波诺问谁会受益? this podcast will help listeners answer that question as they apply the tools of the liberal arts to life in our complex times. You don’t have to be a brainiac or bookish type, just someone with a delight in the life of the mind and an interest in wrestling through the big questions and ideas that have preoccupied people throughout the ages.

更多信息,请发送电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).


You can subscribe to the podcast on all major podcast platforms, 包括苹果播客和Spotify. 你也可以直接从 在这里. Occasional livestreaming of interviews via Instagram and Facebook Live will also take place. Check back 在这里 for show notes, slides, and relevant links mentioned on each episode.

The virtual emcee of the 2020-21 academic year is sociology professor Dr. 克里斯汀Koenig (2020年崔波诺年度教师). 崔波诺 content is under the leadership of philosophy professor Dr. 丹尼尔·迪恩. Dr. 杰夫Mallinson, veteran podcaster and chair of the History and Political Thought department, 录制并制作节目, along with volunteer mentees 从 ranks of 崔波诺 and the 荣誉生活学习社区(LLC), Dr。. 马林森担任驻校教员.
